Mouhamed where art though? Part 4


This is indubitably the most amazing journey I have ever set out upon as I just can’t come to a conclusion on which draft class, the 2000, or the 2006, is worse. It’s been to long since I’ve revisited this subject and I give you all my sincerest apologies. The Thunder are in the midst of what looks like to be a long run in the playoffs and I’ve been caught up in the moment. I’ve neglected those of you who have been salivating for the answers to this quest we embarked on long ago. This journey reminds me of the one in the recent film, “True Grit.” The little girl played by Hailee Steinfeld and Rooster Cogburn, played by Jeff Bridges commence on a manhunt for the outlaw who killer the girl’s father. They will not stop until the task at hand is completed, at least the girl wont as Rooster seems to want to give up at every possible roadblock and is fall down drunk. I speculate I am the little girl in this article. I will not stop until our crusade comes to an end. Let the comparisons continue!

Pick #16, 2000
Sacramento Kings, Hedo Turkoglu– How do He-do the voodo that He-do so well? This is where advantages in draft prowess really begins to swing towards the 2000 draft. Turkoglu ended up being a steal for the Kings, though they somehow let him go after only 3 seasons. I thought they had a nice thing going with all the crafty Europeans they were bringing together. The Turkish assassin ended up on the Orlando Magic, becoming an integral part of their lineup. He helped lead them to the NBA finals 2 years ago, being the Magic’s 2nd most important player behind Dwight “Dark chocolate” Howard. He can handle the ball, pass like a point guard, and hit 3’s. Of course the year after his best season he became a free agent and signed a contract upwards of 50 million dollars, and what do you know, he bricked. Turk has never been the same guy since Orlando’s championship run, but Orlando missed him so much they tried to recapture the “Magic” by trading for him. It hasn’t really worked out like they hoped, though he still is an above average player and I would take him on my team any day. He would be great on the Thunder. Check out his top 10 plays from his best season in the video below. Definitely not a bust. He-do it so well.

Pick #16, 2006
Chicago (Traded to Philadelphia), Rodney Carney– I never understand how an incredible athlete who can stroke 3’s can’t find a spot in the NBA. Carney had a nice career at Memphis, staying all 4 years and seemed like a steal at pick 16. He wasn’t. He has arguably gotten worse over the past few seasons and his NBA career is hanging on by a thread. A very thin thread. His heart was questioned when coming out college and I have to believe thats why he hasn’t developed into a valuable role player or even starting small forward in this league. He did however, throw down this vicious dunk in D-Wade’s grill in the video seen below. You gotta see it to believe it. BUST!

Pick #17 2000
Seattle Supersonics(now the Thunder unfortunately for Seattle peeps)- Desmond Mason– Mason is another example of a solid player from this draft that could sway my opinion. Sure, he was never an all-star but was great energy guy being the incredible athlete that he was. He averaged over 12 a game for his career and career high 17.2 for the Bucks in the 04-05 season. He could give facials with the best of them and lasted 10 years in the league. Impressive. Peep him out in this video as it is very nicely done. Play on Player. No bust here guys.

Pick #17, 2006
Indiana Pacers, Shawne Williams– This didn’t seem like a typical Larry Bird pick and was highly criticized, and as we learned rightly so. He is in his 4th year in the league after almost being blackballed for continuing to be a headache for coaches, and general managers alike. He has made some big plays this season for the Knicks and viewers can see that he is extremely “long” and has deep range on the jumper. What he seems to lack my friends, is heart. You can get a slight taste of his athletic talents by viewing this dunk he delivered over Dwight Howard this season below. BUST!

Pick #18, 2000
L.A. Clippers, Quentin Richardson– Who can forget the days when Q was getting shout outs from then the hottest rapper in the game, Nelly. Q-ball and Darius Miles were loved in La La land and were thought of as the future of the team. Unfortunately for the Clippers and Q the Miles never developed as he should have and was also more injury prone then Mr. Glass. RIchardson is part of this late push for the 2000 draft to be considered better then the 2006. He has given some valuable minutes to the Orlando Magic this season as he is now known as more of a defensive player/tough guy. I will always cherish the memories from his glory days with the Clipp-joint and this video is evidence of the potential Richardson and Miles once shared. The video is accompanied by some good music so enjoy that. Now I’m dancin in this mug. No bust.

Pick #18, 2006
Washington Wizards, Oleksiy Pecherov– Really Washington? Wow, this guy is terrible and you know what I’m talking about if you have ever seen him play. I am absolutely flabbergasted he is still in the NBA. Of course he is on the T-wolves so I’m not sure if that even counts. I have nothing else to say about this stiff besides the fact that we have another bum drafted ahead of Rajon Rondo. It huuuuuurts. Oh wow, I’m begging you to watch the video below. I had no idea this guy’s nickname was Stewie, after the baby on the hit show “Family Guy.” This might be the most classic youtube video I have drummed up. “Get out the way Stewie! Get out the way!!!!”

Pick #19 2000
Charlotte Hornets, Jamaal Magloire-
– The push for the 2000 draft to reign supreme continues! Here we have another guy from this draft who is still in the league, albeit not very productive, but in the league nonetheless. A 10 year career is nothing to scoff at. Heh, this guy even made an all-stat team, albeit in a league with no centers, but an all-star nonetheless. I really liked him coming out of college but like many players, lacked intensity and heart in my opinion. He could have been better but not a bad career at all. You also have to give him credit for almost taking out Wojo in college. See it for yourself in this video. God I hate Duke. No bust again!!!?? Were on a roll. Maybe this quest wasn’t for naught after all.

Pick #19, 2006
Sacramento Queens, Quincy Douby– Buuuuuuuuuuust. Man, this was looked upon as a shocking pick as the queens had drafted two swingmen the past couple years. I hated the pick and the guy is already out of the league. Picks like this ruin franchises. I can’t think of anything else worthwhile to say about Quince but you can check him in this video below. Oh, I like this one. Bust!!!!

Pick #20, 2000
Philadelphia 76ers, Speedy Claxton– Oh I liked little speedy but unfortunately injuries got the best of him. However, he last 7 years in the NBA and had 3 season of averaging double figures. He was supposed to fit in nicely next to Allen Iverson but it just never materialized as planned. The speedster can’t be looked upon as a bust though. My favorite highlight of Claxton is him breaking Nenad Kristic’s ankles in the video seen below. Check it for yourself, before you wreck yourself. No bust. Thats 4 in a row.

Pick #20, 2006
New York Knicks(from Denver), Renaldo Balkman– Isiah you sneaky old dog you. What a horrendous selection made here by Thomas. He had his point guard of the future right there for the taking in Rajon Rondo and frankly this pick is inexcusable and an added reason why Isiah Thomas is looked upon as one of the worst general managers of all time. I’m not gonna waste your time in writing about Balkman’s playing career because he is a stiff but at least he is still in the league, though not for long. He does throw down a nice dunk every now and then as seen in the following video. BUST!

Ok, thats it for today. Today’s featured selections have leaning back towards picking the 2000 draft as the stronger class. There are just so many scrubs. It’s not feasible for me to imagine what it was like for these general managers picking through this scrap heap for talent. We are almost at the end of the road guys. 2 more to go. Prepare for the Thunder sweep. Good evening.