Welcome to Thunderous Thoughts, a weekly look at the OKC Thunder where I have to really dig deep during the offseason. This week, I investigate Russell Westbrook’s social media and draw logical conclusions.
Russell Westbrook is definitely signing the triple-double extension on Aug. 4. I don’t have sources to confirm this. However, a kid at Starbucks wearing a Thunder hat told me that Westbrook is his favorite player. That should count for something.
Here’s what I do have: Investigative skills.
I have combed through Westbrook’s social media over the past month and my findings have been astounding. Not only is Westbrook going to sign the extension of Aug. 4, he’s also going to purchase the Houston Rockets, win a Grammy, and retire on Aug. 5 to become a writer for Thunderous Intentions. Allow me to explain.
Notice that the background is the same in all three pictures, but Westbrook’s outfit changes. This tells us that Westbrook loves comfort, but is willing to change. This series of photographs is the most conclusive evidence that the reigning MVP will remain in Oklahoma City. It’s comfortable to him, but also allows him to change based on how he feels and who is around him. While this is proof that he’ll sign the extension, it doesn’t give us our Aug. 4 date.
Look how many fingers Westbrook is holding up. While the fan in the photo is holding up two fingers, Westbrook is gives us a four finger salute. He’s even angry that the fan would hold up two fingers, knowing that people might misinterpret the photo and believe he’s signing on the sixth. He’s not. It’s definitely the fourth.
Finish the comment... lol
— Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) August 1, 2017
"Sources say_________"
I think "sources" is the word for the summer lol just saying
“Summer” is the key word in this tweet. “Sources” is the word year round in the NBA. But Westbrook specifically mentions summer because that’s when he intends to make his move. There are only two months left in the summer.
Seeing double? That’s by design. Westbrook signed his extension last year on Aug. 4. He’s making it clear that history will repeat itself.
Don’t listen to sources, folks. Russell Westbrook is telling you plain as day, “I’m signing on Aug. 4.” All you have to do is pay attention.