Are you an OKC Thunder trivia master or novice? Regardless of where you land TI invites you to play along and test your knowledge.
As an OKC Thunder fan and Thunderous Intentions writer I love learning new facts about the players and team. Things like how each player spends their down time and what their favorite activities are. Uncovering these truths offers insight into the players personalities and gives us a better idea of who they are as individuals.
Moreover, the modern NBA fan has an advantage over old school fans due to social media. Through the medium players promote their shoe brand, philanthropic efforts, basketball camps, events they attend and playfully throw shade at each other. The result is fans feel a connection to players like never before. We’d love our OKC Thunder regardless, but who among us isn’t interested in learning more?
With this in mind I did a deep dive into the entire roster and the result led to the creation of this 50 fun, surprising and arbitrary facts about the OKC Thunder team and players.
For example, can you guess which Thunder player was an avid skate boarder long before he picked up a basketball? Or which OKC player has a long storied connection in the NBA with several family members who’ve been a part of the National Basketball Association?
Think you know everything about your favorite team? Let’s test your knowledge and see how many of these 50 facts surprise you.