Let’s get Russ a new celebration
Of all the frustrating things that happened tonight, the one that got to me the most was the re-occurrence of the cheesiest celebrations in the NBA: the rock-a-bye-baby celly from Russ. If you haven’t been following the storyline, Russ has started doing this thing whenever he scores in the post where he rocks an imaginary baby to sleep like so:
And it might be one of the worst taunts in the entire league. For one, it doesn’t really make sense; almost everything Russ does is with the kind of force that doesn’t lend itself well to rocking babies to sleep.
For another, it doesn’t look as cool as it does plain awkward. There’s no situation in which rocking a baby to sleep looks that cool (trust me, I’m a Young Person™) and having your arms that high looks uncomfortable. He’s one of the most marketable point guards in the league and his play is way too electric for that to be his signature celebration.