SI’s The Crossover sure to motivate Russell Westbrook with lowly 6th rank

HOUSTON, TX - APRIL 16: Russell Westbrook
HOUSTON, TX - APRIL 16: Russell Westbrook /
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HOUSTON, TX – APRIL 24: Stephen Curry
HOUSTON, TX – APRIL 24: Stephen Curry /

Three ahead of Westbrook offer reason for debate:

Stephen Curry:

Again, there is no denying Curry’s presence on this list. The two-time MVP is approaching his 30 birthday, a period most analysts refer to as the middle of a player’s prime years. In fairness, Curry plays with two other top ten players on the list as well as Klay Thompson and Andre Iguodala. Imagine where Westbrook would be on this list if he had that type of talent surrounding him.

Oh wait, Presti just added a couple of pieces that might answer that ponderance this coming season. Suffice to say, Curry gets the nod above Westbrook precisely because of the Warriors depth. But, like Steve Smith said on other than James and Durant, Westbrook deserved to be ahead of all the others listed.

Kawhi Leonard:

First of all, there’s no argument for the placement of Leonard in the top five. Leonard is the best two way player on the list and at 26 the youngest in the upper tier. But, for an injury in the Western Conference Finals, we might be having a completely different debate about his position on this list. Last season, Leonard had to navigate a world of post Tim Duncan coupled with an aging Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili.

Factor in LaMarcus Aldridge is that rare breed of NBA player who doesn’t translate to Pops culture or system. As a result, Leonard was forced to take on a plethora of leadership and ownership for the Spurs and it took a toll. Still, don’t be surprised if Leonard is the guy in the upper echelon who finds his way to the top rung ahead of everyone chasing James.

James Harden:

Okay- let’s be clear  I’ve got a bone to pick with Ben Golliver.

Obviously the ranking of Curry, Harden and Westbrook will draw the greatest debate. Golliver was asked to explain why Harden ranks ahead of Westbrook. He quickly reasons the list is indicative for where the players are projected to perform this season, not last year. Then in his next breath states the reason Harden got the nod over Westbrook is because he made his teammates better

last year.

Hello – Mr. Golliver – did you also look at the talent on the court Harden had to work with? Additionally, are you taking into consideration Harden and Paul are both ball dominant guards?  As a result,  the pair will  not only need to develop chemistry and rhythm, but also ascertain who’ll take the final shots in crunch time?

There is no denying James Harden is a great talent, and definitely top ten, possibly even top five. But, to place him ahead of Westbrook in my opinion is asinine.